Sunday, September 29, 2013

60 Days keeps on truckin', went to a wedding and got Drunk.

60 DOHM: Day 29

#28 (Again) Because we had to subtract one movie over 'Room 237' I had to go out and find the real crazy people. And it turned out it wasn't too hard. They're right in my back yard. Tonight I watched 'Flicker'. This film was produced in New Mexico and it is one crazy whirlwind of backwoods psychedelia. Campers, torture, cut off her hair, cops and tents and blood and Kevin R. Elder. It's an awesome ride with director Aaron Hendren at the helm. You kind of feel like he's guiding his cast and his viewers and his crew right to the back of his head so we can all sort it out together. Nicely did.

In other news, my brother from another mother, Westin, saw his second sister walk down the isle today. It was a fine evening to be sure. We danced, we sang, we hugged, I met new people, some dudes tried to hit on my wife (who, as you may have guessed, is the most beautiful person on the planet, which works out splendidly for me). They drank, I drove home. It was a great time! Good to see all my old friends from around the corner. Congratulations Dawn and Justin.

Oh, and in case you forgot, drunkwillbecommingoutondvdonoctober22!!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

60 DOHM Day 26

#25 Wes Craven's New Nightmare- ol Craven comes back to show the kids how it's done. New ideas, a scarier Freddy, and all the s**t that made the series awesome in the first place.

#26 Dead Snow- Just your ol' fashioned, run of the mill Norwegian made nazi zombie extravaganza. There's lots of good stuff here, but there is always something off-putting to me about these foreign horror movies. It has something to do with the hot sex scene that is conducted on the toilet. I'm not sure what else. Anyway, tons of fun, lots of guts flying everywhere. And did I mention the nazi zombies?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

60 DOHM- A Horrible Way to Die

60 DOHM: Day 23 (a couple of days ago)

#24 A Horrible Way to Die- Thanks again to Stan Shunkamolah and family for hosting me the other night and suggesting this psychological killfest. I'm surprised after how much I loved 'You're Next' that I didn't immediately look up that crew's other flicks. 'A Horrible Way to Die' is a lot more indy rock than 'Next', with a non linear story structure and no exposition before the first killing. But it is another testament to these folks being able to craft seriously true moments with their character's every gesture and uncomfortable word.

Monday, September 23, 2013

60 Days of Horror Movies: Day 23

#23 Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare- A fine enough capper to the original series. Fun cameos by Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp, Roseanne and Tom Arnold. Then there's the old school 3D ending. And it's always fun to learn more stuff about Freddy. Robert England and Wes Craven definitely created a character for the ages.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

60 DOHM Day 21

#21 The Frighteners- I think this is a long overlooked piece of awesome. It came out right in that weird little period where the Spielberg/Zemeckis team (who, up to that point, seemed like it could do no wrong) ran into a couple of big flops. The Frighteners was one of them; but now, looking back, I can't remember why. It had a great star (Michael J. Fox, who had previously scored big with Zemeckis and the Back to the Future Trilogy), a great supporting cast (Jake Busey, come on!), the best special effects money could buy at the time, and at the helm of it all was a little nobody up and coming director named Peter Jackson. It was Jackson's first real big budget American movie, and I guess that audiences of the negative 90s just weren't ready for his weird blend of the truly creepy and utter slapstick. Oh well, it's fun to watch it now.

#22 I Spit on Your Grave- What can you say about this 1978 cult horror torture porn classic that hasn't already been said a million times. It's slow, meticulous, agonizing build is the ultimate nightmare for any woman; and the pay off, while satisfying, is hardly a happy ending. It's tuff stuff, no doubt, but somehow mesmerizing at the same time. Some would call it high art while others would discard it as misogynistic garbage. Nobody's wrong here, or right. I don't know.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

60 DOHM Day 20

#20 Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child- Yeah, it's not so bad. Freddy wasn't really scary anymore by this point and the 80s had gone too overboard, but it's still a fun time. And you get some good backstory stuff.

Friday, September 20, 2013

60 DOHM: Day 20 #16 Nightmare on elm Street 4: The Dream Master

60 DOHM Day 20

#16 Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master- This could be considered one of the two 'bad' Freddy movies (the other being 5) but really, as far as crappy horror movies go, they're still pretty good. Hack director Renny Harlin has fun and we see a not-Patricia-Arquette Kirstin get bumped off and the buck is passed to her bud Alice (the dream master, oooooooooo) who will carry us home in the original series before Freddy's Dead. So Now all the Elm Street kids are dead and Freddy's unleashed on the rest of Springwood. 

And I call Renny a hack, but he has directed movies in 2 of my favorite franchises, this flick and Die Hard 2: Die Harder-except-it's-not-as-good-as-1-and-3-or-even-4-but-at-least-it's-not-the-worst-one-anymore-because-die-hard-5-was-awful-and-I'm-not-even-going-to-buy-it.

News 9/20

Exciting News #3 for the month: I am now (almost completely but for suresies) signed with the Applause Talent Agency and Carissa Mitchell. This is very exciting. Carissa is awesome and Applause is definitely the place to be for actors in Albuquerque right now.

I also had a head shot shoot today with Zach Sutton Photography. I highly recommend him. He was great and I already have my proofs to look at and decide on my final shots.

I also finished authoring the Drunk DVD today, complete with commentary and special features. I played one on my big ass tv and it looks and sounds great, I hope you all are ready for this flick to (finally) be unleashed on the world. October 22nd! Now I just have to finish my cover art for the disc and packaging and I'm on my way. It will be available thru Amazon, Create Space, my website ( and thru me personally. If you can, get it from me (that way I get more cash from the sale). I will be able to accept credit cards soon (by October 22nd for sure).

60 DOHM 9/20

60 Days of Horror Movies: Day 20

#15 American Horror Story (Season 1 Thru Finale): The last episode basically wraps up all the loose ends and prepares us for changes in season 2. Good times. I'll be sad to see some of these story lines go. And I love that all the weirdness of the season is wrapped up by the end.

Also, look for my 60 Days posts on this new blog from now on. Older posts including the first 20 days worth of watching can be found on my facebook page.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Scott Bryan's Personal website is finished and about to go live.

The Drunk DVD release has been set for October 22, 2013. The DVD will contain behind the scenes interviews, the festival cut of the film, trailer, and a commentary by writer/actor Scott Bryan.

A Guy, a gril and Their Monster has been made a Semifinalist in MSN's 'Short Form Story-Telling' contest and a chance to win a $75,000 budget for season 2.

Scott has finished his performances of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) and starts rehearsal for Love and Beauty, debuting in October as part of the Tricklock Company's 20th season.