The second Purge movie is pretty good. It's another one of the recent rash of action movies parading as horror, but at least it keeps things moving. It is just interesting enough and has just enough political commentary to keep me engaged. Is the very basic idea of this movie kind of stupid? Yes. Is the conversation that it would inspire about human nature and morality just as pointless? Pretty much. At least this one dealt with some real people instead of the upper class yuppie douche bags that we all kind of wanted to die who were the center of the first one. I kind of cared if a couple of these people lived through the night. And that'll do, pig, that'll do.
Then I watched Sinister. Holy slut farts! This movie was actually kind of scary! Ethan Hawke is quietly becoming the king of modern horror. He has taken on vampires, purgers, and now an ancient creepy guy who eats children! The style and tone of this movie, while sadly humorless, actually provides a few intense moments and some of the best jump-scares that I've witnessed on film in quite a while. There is a little bit of overabundance of Hawke wandering around in the dark (doesn't this dude ever turn on a light!), but other than that, I can officially give this sucker a 'thumbs up'. Good times.
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