Wednesday, October 2, 2013

#s 29 and 30: Sleepaway Camp 1 and 2

60 DOHM: Day 30

#29 Sleepaway Camp- The original. I've been wanting to see it for a long time, but it's super hard to find. But I did and now I know why. Do you? You only would if you've seen the last 5 minutes of the flick. Yikes. : )

Otherwise, this movie is a weird trip to camp and a study on simple interaction between humans (or more specifically, children).

60 DOHM: Day 31

#30 Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers- Just a random pick for something to watch last night. Hey, that first one was crazy, I can sit through a crappy sequel. But it was actually pretty quality. There is no plot. We know who the killer is from the first scene and then with a little establishment or the various characters personalities and conflicts, the killer just kills them. But what is great about this flick is all the little horror movie things that the makers made sure to do right. Hot girls showing their boobs. Plenty of gore, no flimflam. Fun, varied deaths and a villain that is truly intriguing to watch as she flip flops from the picture of morality to brutal slasher.

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