Monday, September 22, 2014

#46 Ghostbuster 2 and #47 The Lawnmower Man

Since yesterday was both Stephen King and Bill Murray's birthday, we did a double feature. We watched the lesser Ghostbusters movie and one of the oddest SK adaptations from the 90s.

First, Ghostbusters 2. I've never seen what the problem was with this movie. A lot of people don't like this sequel, but I think it's fine. Sure, it's not the first one, which is one of the greatest movies of all time, but what is! It nearly succeeds in recreating all of the fun of the first one. That's all it can really hope for, that magic and chemistery. I would watch this group of actors wash dishes together and although there are parts of this flick that kind of seem like that, it's still better than most movies.

Then we threw on The Lawnmower Man. It's barely a King adaptation, loosely based on a short story of the same name. It does have a lot of essential King elements though. Mean Hicks. Abusive Fathers. A Shitty View of Religion. Smoking. Telekinesis. Plus, it deals with the idea that human consciousness can be accelerated to the point of enlightenment through drugs and digital stimulation. A lot of ideas in this flick have also shown up in stuff like The Matrix and more recently in Lucy, Her, and Transcendence. So, in that way, it's pretty cool. And it has Pierce Brosnan in it.

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