Wednesday, August 13, 2014

#11 Fight Night (1985)

This is one of those movies that a lot of folks have a special place in their heart for. It's one of those 80s movies that stands out in people's minds because they saw it at that special time in their development where the cheese, the horror, the effects and the comedy were all new to them. Witter, Mandy and I are not of this club. None of us had ever seen this flick before, and I have to admit, for about the first 45 minutes or so, we were baffled. After a run of mediocre titles, I was stoked to watch a tried and true classic of 80 horror, especially one that I hadn't seen. But man, when Prince Humperdink stated terrorizing Marcy from Married with Children, her boyfriend, a stereotypical 80s nerd and a Van Helsing wannabe, I thought I had been burned again.

But eventually the movie did pick up. About the last 20 minutes are pure gold. There's tons of awesome effects, good physical comedy from the vamp's familiar, and just enough emotion to keep me on board. I won't say that Fright Night is going to become one of my go-to flicks, but I can see how others would cherish it. I'm glad it made the list.

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