Sunday, August 3, 2014

#4 Invasion of the Body Snatchers (70s)

This is kind of a cheat, because I started watching this one last week. I watched the origional on Netflix and then about half of this version on TV. I am glad that I rented it and watched the unedited version to finish it off. There is an amount of stuff that probably got nixed for the TV version. 

This film is worth the price of admission just for Jeff Goldblum, Leonard Nimoy, and Donald Sutherland yelling at each other. I also liked it because it was a faithful re-imagining of the origional, but raised the bar in intensity and visual effects. 

Also, horror flicks from the 70s are a little bit scarier to me because they are filled with people of my parents generation. Seeing those folks in dangerous situations freaks me out because they were the people I went to for comfort as a kid. They were the people that would make everything okay. They were the ones who vanquished closet monsters and ghosts and robbers of all sorts. They were adults. So if they can't beat the body snatchers, what hope do we have?

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